属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 高举环保大旗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-比尔·克林顿的忠告 Advice from Bill
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食品领域新革命 液体午餐
1 | 企业绿色持续创新及实现机制研究 | A Research on Continuous environmentally-friendly Innovation of an Enterprise and Its Realization System | |
2 | 强化的欧洲环境友好车辆和发动机 | EEV Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicles and Engines | |
3 | 如给予购买电动汽车者以税收奖励以鼓励环境友好行为。 | For example tax credits for those who purchase electric cars to encourage environmentally friendly behavior. | |
4 | 上海市科委主任李逸平说:“‘十一五′规划提出要加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,大力发展循环经济,加大环境保护力度。” | Li Yiping, The Science and Technology Commission director, said: “The 11th Five Year Plan requires faster development of a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly society, and a recycling economy.? | |
5 | 生态型住宅小区的噪声控制 | Noise Control of an Environmentally Friendly Residential Community | |
6 | 世界领先的变压器制造商致力于为许多工业应用中提供环保的电力设备并安全地供应能源. | A world-leader in transformer manufacturing is committed to environmentally friendly power plants and the safe supply of energy in many industrial applications. | |
7 | 它已经使我们跻身于道·琼斯可持续性群体指数的榜首之处,与世界上那些最重要的、以可持续性发展为目标的公司占据同一个位置。 | As economically sound as it is environmentally friendly , it has placed us among the leaders on the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index, the world.s most important list of sustainability-oriented companies. | |
8 | 通过与法拉利的紧密合作,壳牌所生产的燃料燃烧更充分,同时对环境也更友好、大大降低了世界范围内汽车尾气的排放,因而能够在燃料行业中起领先作用。 | By working closely with Ferrari, Shell is able to lead the fuel industry in producing fuels that burn more efficiently and are thus more environmentally friendly , drastically reducing world-wide emissions. | |
9 | 为了创造一个有益于环保和安全的世界,每个国家都有必要定出汽车限额,并限制发放许可证的数量,以控制地区的空气污染。 | In order to create an environmentally friendly and safe world, it is necessary for each country to set vehicular quotas and limit the permits in number to control regional air pollution | |
10 | 我国中小企业实施绿色物流的手段 | Means of Conducting environmentally-friendly Physical Distribution in Middle and Small Business in China | |
11 | 我们还根据食物的生长制作方式进行选择:选择由那些昼用绿色、卫生的方式生产食物的公司生产的环保食物或者“生态食物”。 | We also make choices based on how the products are grown or made: environmentally friendly food, or “eco-food”, is produced by companies who have tried to use green and clean ways to grow it. | |
12 | 新型的磁悬浮列车就是交通运输变化的一个很好的例子。它既环保、又节能而且能以每小时430公里原惊人速度行驶。 | A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, which is environmentally friendly , energy-saving and travels at an amazing 430km/h. | |
13 | 一个与环境互助之农业系统的设计:日本的Okinoerabu岛之农业与环境 | Designing an Environmentally Friendly Agricultural System: Agriculture and the Environment in Okinoerabu Island;Japan | |
14 | 一家世界领先变压器制造商正致力于环境友好发电设备的生产和工业应用领域安全供电. | A world-leader in transformer manufacturing is committed to environmentally friendly power plants and the safe supply of energy in many industrial applications. | |
15 | 一种新型环保、节能除湿技术-热电冷凝除湿 | A New Type of environmentally-friendly and energy-saving Dehumidifying technology-Thermoelectric Cooling Dehumidification | |
16 | 因此要权衡化学工业带来的环境危机和带给社会的明显好处,才说得清化学工业为什么是、或者为什么不是一个环境友好的工业。 | So a balance between environmental risks posed by the chemical industry and the perceived benefits that it provides is the real measure of how environmentally friendly the chemical industry is or isn’t. | |
17 | 由于其生产过程不需使用溶酶,因此也不会对环境产生污染。 | They are also environmentally friendly , since they are produced in a solvent-free manufacturing process. | |
18 | 有何具体例证能够证明MINI设计方面的环境友好特质? | What concrete examples are there to illustrate the environmentally friendly design of the MINI? | |
19 | 在贫困地区的开发中,中国政府重视生态环境的保护,鼓励农民发展生态农业、环保农业。 | While developing the poor areas, the Chinese Government pays close attention to the protection of the ecological environment, and encourages peasants to develop ecologically-and environmentally-friendly agriculture | |
20 | 这就是为什么我们要为环保与有效回收建立基础,尽管它还处于发展期间。 | This is why we establish the basis for its environmentally friendly and efficient reuse even while it is still in development. | |
21 | 这有力地说明了一个概念,即"环境友好"只是个相对概念,在谋取利润,满足公众要求和付出环境保护的代价几个方面存在着一个平衡。 | This reinforces the idea that what is "environmentally friendly " is a relative idea and that a balance exists between profits, public demand, and environmental cost. | |
22 | 中国城市居民环境关心及环境友好行为的性别差异 | An Analysis of Gender Difference in the Environmental Concern and Environmentally Friendly Behaviors of Chinese Urban Residents-Based on the Research of GSS in 2003 | |
23 | 卓有成效的环境友好循环利用在每台MINI的研发和生产阶段就已经开始了。 | Efficient, environmentally friendly disposal begins during the development and production stage of every MINI. | |
24 | 资源节约型、环境友好型社会 | resource-conserving; environmentally friendly society | |
25 | ||1:但是中国决定在2030年前控制碳排放(该决定与中国过往的立场完全不同,中国之前的立场是作为发展中国家的中国不应该被规定做出绝对数目的减排目标),宣布大幅减少碳浓度(即每单位GDP的排放量)达五分之一,同时中国将增加五分之一用除化石燃料以外的清洁能源来发电的电量。||2:在上个月最新出炉的五年计划包含着共产党对中国未来的规划,其中明确包含促使经济更环保发展的政策。 | ||1:Yet today China pledges to cap carbon emissions by 2030 (reversing its former position that, as a developing power, it should not be bound to an absolute reduction); and it says it will cut its carbon intensity (that is, emissions per unit of GDP) by a fifth, as well as increase by the same amount the electricity generated from sources other than fossil fuels.||2:The latest five-year plan, a blueprint for the Communist Party’s intentions that was unveiled last month, contains clear policy prescriptions for making economic development more environmentally friendly . | |
26 | ||1:其次,克林顿以其出了名的孜孜不倦的努力搜寻着美国和世界(尤其是新加坡和德国),以找到使得人们重返工作岗位的务实方法。||2:其中的许多方法需要“聪明的政府”,这通常意味着与私人企业以及非盈利组织合作。||3:某些点子甚至从共和党人那里借鉴而来,其中至少有一条来自他的老对手纽特·金里奇 (Newt Gingrich)。||4:克林顿尤其热衷于促进美国基础设施现代化及创造环保“绿色工作”的思想,但是他也看到了加强贸易自由化、增加移民以及通过水力压裂法抽取美国巨大的廉价天然气储备的优点。 | ||1:Second, Mr Clinton is at his famously wonkish best in scouring America and the world (Singapore and Germany, in particular) to find practical ideas for getting people back to work.||2:Many of these require “smart government”, which more often than not means partnering with private businesses and non-profit organisations.||3:Some ideas are even borrowed from the Republicans, including at least one from his old foe, Newt Gingrich.||4:Mr Clinton is especially keen on the idea of modernising America’s infrastructure and creating environmentally friendly “green jobs”, but he also sees merit in more trade liberalisation, immigration and getting at the country’s huge reserves of cheap natural gas through fracking. | |
27 | 每种素食成分的热量大概只有400卡路里,售价3美元左右,和加工过的食品和肉类一样富含营养而且更加环保。 | Each vegetarian portion has only around 400 calories, costs around $3 and boasts of being as nutritious as, and more environmentally-friendly than, processed food and meat. | |
28 | 它们也会更加环保,因为骨架周围的混凝土也不是传统的混凝土。 | They will also be more environmentally friendly , for the concrete surrounding the skeleton is unconventional, too. | |
29 | 再过去的三年中,她所做的一系列实验表明,安全去除有毒物质不仅可行,还可以降低制砖成本,更加环保。 | A series of experiments she has conducted over the past three years suggests this is not only possible but will make bricks cheaper and more environmentally friendly . | |
30 | LED灯是最环保的照明选择,但它的灯光看起来更趋向于蓝色。 | LED bulbs are the most environmentally friendly lighting choice, but they tend to be bluer-looking. |